Article | March 22, 2022

Electronic Health Record (“EHR”)

Electronic Health Record (“EHR”) is a buzz-word in the industry for physicians and facilities. The Federal Government has incentivized physician practices to move to electronic documentation. Facilities are integrating health system data as well as individual hospital data in an effort to streamline clinical documentation, charging, and care provided throughout the health systems and community.

In order to be successful with clinical and billing modules of EHR, providers need to be aware of the pitfalls of EHR. Kohler Healthcare Consulting, Inc. (“KHC”) has worked with numerous providers for preparation, installation, and implementation support during EHR Efforts. Our staff works interchangeably with your staff so there is a “team” focus. We want to help – and we are good at what we do. Our experience affords us the opportunity to be more efficient and effective with any phase of the build.


The most important time of an EHR install is the preparation or pre-build phase. This phase gives the provider the opportunity to implement any systemic changes, fix any broken processes, or think through best practices to ensure the operational work flow is optimal for the provider. In many cases, providers implement current, fractured processes and do not optimize the new clinical documentation or billing systems.

Charge description masters (“CDMs”), charge tickets, pharmacy and supply interface systems should also be analyzed to consolidate services when possible and ensure all line items are active and accurate with current practices. The providers will also need to “freeze” systems or keep control documents to verify the “source of truth” for all build decisions. The original system is being phased out, so why build it in the new world? KHC staff can assist with all of these pre-build efforts – from best practices to review of charge tickets and the CDM.


There is more to the system install than simply learning the ins/outs of the new system. Our team has experience with system install testing plans as well as assistance with creation of scenarios, coordination with the build teams, and communication with the clinical staff. We are able to “speak the language” of the programmers, clinicians, and revenue cycle team members to ensure everyone is on the same page with installation decisions and changes. We are also experienced in determining go-live dates and realistic timeframes for installation and go-live dates. We can help interpret between the various groups as well as provide our experience so you can become knowledgeable of what you do not know.